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To join our community and shop with Naked Larder Herne Hill please register first. Each month we will send details of the order and collection dates, and the password to access the order through our online shop. You will also receive updates on products and other news. We'll also send you a voucher for 10% off your first order!


Once you have joined Naked Larder Herne Hill you can also have access to our closed Facebook group where the community share tips for reducing waste, delicious recipes, ideas for expanding the Naked Larder range and much more.


Joined already? Then you can PLACE AN ORDER using the password provided to you.


Developing the Naked Larder Community


Naked Larder intends to develop a community of like-minded people. Our unique way of operating enables customers to meet each other at collections and discuss ideas for products to source, ways to minimise our use of plastic or practices to further reduce our environmental impact.


We welcome your feedback in regards to how Naked Larder is working for you and we would appreciate any contributions that might improve Naked Larder's product offerings and processes, or the experience of the Naked Larder community.


For some collections we may host additional local producers, homemade crafts and products or organise additional events. We'll post information about anything like this on our Facebook page and by email to all registered customers.


All of our customers are welcome to make suggestions and contributions toward the Naked Larder community.

Refer a friend


Refer a friend to Naked Larder we'll give you a voucher for 15% off when they place their first order.

Your friend will get 15% off their first order too! 

Just be sure to tell them to mention your name on the registration form when filling in how they heard about us. We'll send them a voucher code and yours will be sent to you when they have made their first order.


Please do keep spreading the word, share our links on your social media and invite your friends to give us a go!

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